06 December 2010

Historical Ecology Wikiproject - seeking editors

Below is a copy of the email we sent regarding our new encyclopedic endeavor.


We are undergraduate anthropology students at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.  This past semester we took a course in Historical Ecology in which we were challenged to develop a project that enhanced education in the subject.  We chose to create a historical ecology wikiproject to unite diverse researchers interested in improving the quality and quantity of wikipedia articles relevant to the topic of historical ecology, and we invite you to join our efforts. 

Specifically, we hope to encourage fellow project editors to join us in researching and composing sections of articles on the historical ecology of their own regions - we have already begun work on a new historical ecology section for the Jefferson County, Alabama wikipedia article.  We are seeking anyone interested in investing time and effort into developing similar sections for their own location's wiki article page.

If we gather enough support and our proposal becomes an actual project, we hope over time the wikiproject will both foster a greater public understanding of human/environment interactions and also encourage dialogue between theoretically diverse researchers from many different bioregions.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us - our information is below.    

Here is the link to our wikiproject proposal page:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_Council/Proposals/Historical_Ecology
For more information on wikiprojects, please visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WikiProject

Thank you for your time, and we look forward to collaborating with you.

With all our regards and respect,

Anna McCown

Lindsay Whiteaker

Jake Delisle